CRAN/E | R Packages from Titus Wormer

Titus Wormer

Author of 2 R packages

Quick info

Titus Wormer has worked on 2 packages so far. In total, Titus Wormer has worked with 38 other authors on those packages. Impressive teamwork!


Gabor Csardi
Maciej Ceglowski
Jacob R. Rideout
Kent S. Johnson
Tyler Rinker
University of Notre Dame
Department of Knowledge Technologies
John Higgins
Grady Ward
Heiko Possel
Michal Boleslav Mechura
Bing Liu
Minqing Hu
Saif M. Mohammad
Peter Turney
Erik Cambria
Soujanya Poria
Rajiv Bajpai
Bjoern Schuller
Liang Wu
Fred Morstatter
Huan Liu
Grammar Revolution
Vidar Holen
Alejandro U. Alvarez
Stackoverflow User user2592414
Apache Software Foundation
Andrew Kachites McCallum
Alireza Savand
Zact Anger
Colin Martindale
John Wiseman
Nadra Pencle
Irina Malaescu